Welcome to the Place for EHS Professional
Safetytoolbox.in is here to share our vast knowledge in the field of Environment ,Health and Safety (EHS). Our Aim is to empower all EHS professionals with the concept of Environment, Health and Safety. This blog is specially designed to provide ready material for safety, Environment and health within one click.
Occupational Health and Safety affects all aspects of work. In small industries, occupational health and safety supervise by single competent managers and it is very difficult for them to design and implement all safety management concepts due to the overburden of responsibility. For helping such kind of safety professional this blog is designed

We believe that Human safety must be the topmost priority in this century. In the era of digitalization, no one can suffer due to occupational diseases. International Labour Organisation (ILO), the World Health Organization(WHO), and United Nations (UN) have estimated that there are 270 million occupational accidents and 160 million occupational diseases every year throughout the world- and these are recognized as relatively conservative estimates due to probable under-reporting. The ILO estimates that 2 million people die each year as a result of occupational accidents and work-related diseases. It’s the responsibility of all safety professionals, occupiers and top management to reduce this number by providing a safe workplace.
India is the world’s largest consumer market and to capture this market industries from all around the world establish their manufacturing plant in India so demand for safety professionals is significantly high in the next decades. These sites can be helpful in developing safety professionals through systematic learning of EHS. Also here the main focus is on filling gaps between theoretical and practical learnings.
To improve the morale of employees in workplace special section provided, in which you can find innovative ideas related to Environment, Health and safety. All These ideas can be helpful for all Safety professionals to share with their employees, workers and contractors to improve their understanding of EHS concept, Safety activities. This site can help to share workmen engagement games, safety quiz etc. We believe that safety system must be very easily understood by everyone in the organization. adoption of a complicated system is very difficult so try to make the system as simple as possible.
In all industries targets of zero-incident can be easily achievable by using all proven concepts of EHS. All Safety professionals are not aware of different concept which is run in different countries of the world. we are here to solve this issue and provide all concepts in one place.

We also provided solutions for everyone related to the selection of safety gears including Personal protective equipment (PPE), Safety ladders, Safety scaffolds, lifting devices, etc.
From this blog, you can get help in the selection of different safety software which includes all parameters of EHS. you can also find help in legal communication with government authorities related to Safety, Environment, and Health. As a new bee in Safety, you can easily handle all government legal queries by referring to updates on this website. Also, you can understand statutory requirements and their obligation from here
Key learning which will be delivered is Basics of safety, Safety management, Safety toolbox talk, Process Safety, Fire Safety, Emergency preparedness, EHS compliance, EHS legal update, Safety legislation, Safety week celebration, a Safety presentation, Safety training, Behavior-based Safety, Unsafe act, Unsafe condition, Environment., Occupational health, Occupational diseases, construction safety, dock safety, port safety, mine safety etc.
Qualification requirements for safety professionals in different parts of the world can be shared in this blog with the requirements of certification related to work in different countries,