Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Government of India released India’s Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategy at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
India is currently one of the fastest growing economies in the world, home to almost one-sixth of humanity. Its growth momentum is an integral part of global development and is essential to meeting the world’s sustainable development goals.
A number of challenges confront India’s development agenda including that of climate change. India’s contribution to global warming is minimal. Nevertheless, India is committed to combating climate change, by making development choices that ensure growth and development of the economy along low carbon pathways towards net-zero by 2070.
Recognizing that climate change is a global collective action problem, India is committed to addressing the challenge with firm adherence to multilateralism based on equity and the Principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC), as enshrined in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
This is one of the best document prepared by government of India and we wish all HSE professional must have to read this entire strategies to understand sustainability goal of India.
This documents helps you to get new ideas for setting sustainability goal for your industries
India’s Long-Term Net Zero Carbon Development Strategy include
- Introduction
- Strategic Low-Emissions Development Transitions
- Low Carbon Development of Electricity Systems Consistent with Enhanced Development Benefits
- Develop an Integrated, Efficient, Inclusive Low-Carbon Transport System
- Promoting Adaptation in Urban Design, Energy and Material-Efficiency in Buildings, and Sustainable Urbanisation
- Promote Economy-Wide Decoupling of Growth from Emissions and Development of an Efficient, Innovative Low-Emission Industrial System
- CO2 Removal and Related Engineering Solutions
- Enhancement of Forest and Vegetative Cover Consistent with Socio-Economic and Ecological Considerations
- Economic and Financial Aspects of Low-Carbon Development
- Research and Innovation
- Adaptation and Resilience
- Mission LiFE – Lifestyle for Environment
- International Cooperation
Just click below tab to download India’s Long-Term Low Carbon Development Strategy
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