Tips for
Child safety
Use covers on Electrical sockets
Electric shock
Install Railing on staircase
fall from height
Store medicines away from reach
Health problem if Eat
Keep Electrical tools away from kids
Electrical shock
Ensure toys are safe for kids
chocking, injury
Locked drawers
Eye injury, cut injury sharp tools
Store chemical away from child
Serious health problem if drink
Place material out of reach
Head injury
Keep eye on child
Multiple injury
Don't allow electrical board as a toy
Trip, fall, shock
Make sure steps are free from toys
Slip, fall
Don't allow to open dishwashers
Cut by sharp edges of utensils (fork, porcelain, glass)
Keep away from rotating parts
Multiple injuries
hot surface keep away
Burns, fire
Secure portable drawers
fall, body injuries
Store Sharp object away
fall, body injuries
After iron place it away
Save The child